
Homecoming Banquet 2022!

All-Class Reunion Friday, September 16, 2022

Click here to RSVP & pay online

The NP Alumni Association would like to invite you to join us in celebrating North Putnam history. We are hosting our banquet before the Homecoming football game on September 16, 2022. We are excited to invite you to our banquet with the after party being the football game. We will be serving a pulled pork dinner starting at 5:30. The cost of the meal is $10.

Please RSVP & pay online or by mailing in the form below by September 1.

We also encourage everyone to attend the Homecoming Football game where will honor this year’s Distinguished Alumni!

We are hoping to encourage families to participate in this all-class reunion. The Alumni Association will have children-oriented activities at the Homecoming football game.

This year we will be honoring the classes of 1972, 1982, 1992, 2002, 2012, and 2022.

Click here to RSVP & pay online